If you are moving to Germany, one of the first things you need to do after setting up an apartment is to register your new address commonly know as Stadt Anmeldung with the City office. This can be done in person or online and will take just a few minutes to complete either way.
Table of Contents

Tips: Germans are more friendly and the officials in the Bürgerbüro will always support you to get things done. If you do not speak German and scared of German Bureaucracy, then you can hire a Translator or you can represented by experts such as Amito.
What is the City Registration (Anmeldung)?
If you are relocating to Germany or inside German cities, you are required by law (Bundesmeldegesetz (BMG) § 17 Anmeldung) to register your place of residence within 14 days. When you register your address, you will be given a document known as a “Meldebescheinigung” (Google Translated: Registration certificate). This document is required for various of reasons, including applying for a residence permit, health insurance, Kindergeld, Elterngeld, childbirth, opening a bank account, telecommunications providers, and public utilities such as gas and electricity companies. Please keep it secure; if you happen to lose it, don’t worry, you can get it back for 5€.
Step By Step Procedure to do City Registration (Anmeldung)?
To complete the Anmeldung, you must be personally present in the office or be represented. If all of the essential papers are available, the total procedure takes less than 15 minutes.
Where to do Anmeldung?
To complete your anmeldung, you must go to the citizen office Bürgeramt (also known as a Bürgerbüro, Bürgerdienste or Bürgerservices).
Do I need to take prior Appointment?
In certain cities, there may be a token system; you may just walk in, wait, and register. However, some offices need a prior appointment.
Please make an appointment as early as possible, since you have just 14 days to complete your anmeldung.
What are the Documents Required?
Please bring your original passport. If you wish to register all of your family members, you must have all of their passports on hand.
Residence Permit
In addition to your passport, you should have your Aufenthaltstitel. If you are visiting Germany for the first time, you may show the authorities your Visa stamp in your passport.
Sample Aufenthaltstitel, by Deutsche Regierung, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 | Wikimedia Commons
A landlord confirmation document, known as a Wohnungsgeberbestätigung, is required to register your residence. It is an official confirmation from your landlord that you have permission to reside in their flat and that you are legally registered to live there. The following information should be included in this document:
- Names of the people who want to register
- Address
- Move in Date
- Signature of your Landlord
Wohnungsgeberbestätigung, Source: stadt.muenchen.de
Marriage Certificate & Birth Certificate
You also need some of your civil status certificates such as,
- Birth certificate
- If married, your marriage certificate (Some officials will ask for German Translated Copy)
- Birth certificates of your children.

Do I have to pay for anmeldung?
The bürgeramt does not collect any fees for Anmeldung. But if you have a car, you have to update your new address at Straßenverkehrsbehörde». For this process you have to pay some fees.
What is Church Taxes (Kirchensteuer) in Germany?
For the church to be able to carry out its many activities, it needs people’s devoted support as well as a stable financial foundation. This is based on the church tax in Germany. Members of the Protestant or Catholic churches, as well as adherents of Jewish religious groups, must pay church tax in Germany, while members of other religions, such as Muslims, Christian Orthodox, or Hindus, are exempt.
Even if you are from a different nationality, you are still subject to church tax. Foreigners who belong to a church that is taxed in Germany must pay church tax if they have their place of residence or habitual habitation in Germany. Church tax is normally 9% of your income tax (In Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, the rate is 8%).
If you are not religious and do not want to pay the church tax, leave the religion section blank. Most importantly, please deregister if you are already a member of any of the churches in Germany or Europe to avoid huge penalties.
What if I do not do Anmeldung with in 14 days?
In most cities, you have no more than two weeks to register or move your home. If you don’t meet this deadline, you could be hit with a fine of up to EUR 500. This also applies to the re-registration of cars, by the way.
What is Hauptwohnsitz & Nebenwohnsitz?
If you are maintaining two residences in Germany, you have to classify the residence as the Main residence (Hauptwohnsitz) and secondary residence (Nebenwohnsitz). This is called the Double household (Doppelhaushalt) in Germany.
The residence where you stay most of the time is called the Main residence (Hauptwohnsitz) and if you have a residence for professional reasons this is called secondary residence (Nebenwohnsitz). So while Anmeldung if you have two residences, you have to inform the authorities which is the main and secondary.
💡 Please keep in mind that the majority of bureaucratic duties, such as registering your vehicle, acquiring a driver’s license, or obtaining a residency permit, can only be done at your main residence (Hauptwohnsitz).

Nachsendung: How to Forward all your Posts?
In Germany, Post is quite significant. Almost all formal communication is done via the mail. If you relocate or are away from home for an incredibly long time, you will want efficient mail forwarding to your new or temporary address. However with a Nachsendung (Mail Forwarding), you may receive mail addressed to your old address at your new address. Here’s how you can benefit from it.

You’ve probably figured out why Anmeldung is so important in Germany. In conclusion, after completing the City Registration, the major part is done, then remaining bureaucratic tasks can be done one by one.
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Nice! Awesome content.