Emergency Number For Germany: This is an article about the emergency number for Germany and what to do and how to get in touch with the fire department, ambulance, police, and other emergency services in case of an emergency. You can call 112 when a threat or danger occurs, or if you feel unwell. Here is everything you need to know about contacting each service in Germany.
Table of Contents
- How to Prepare for an Emergency Call?
- Emergency call app "nora"
- Other Emergency & Helpline Numbers:
Disclaimer: This blog is only for informational purposes and is based on my own experience. Please do not completely depend on the material or information on this website. For the most up-to-date and accurate information, please visit the Notrufnummern Das Telefonbuch.
The most important Emergency Numbers for Germany:
In the case of an emergency in Germany, dial the following two numbers:
Police (German: Polizei)
Fire / Emergency call / Rescue service
Normally, the emergency call will be handled by a German-speaking operator, but you may request to talk in English or have the call redirected to English-speaking support.

Tips: 112 can be called for free from anywhere in Europe, including cell phones that don’t have a network. In addition, it takes 9 seconds on average to respond to a call made to 112.
Police: 110
The Police are responsible for situations that do not involve a medical emergency, such as major car accidents or criminal acts.
Fire brigade/emergency call/rescue service: 112
In the event of a fire or a medical emergency such as a life-threatening scenario such as fire burns, bleeding, a heart attack, or being badly wounded, dial 112 immediately.
Medical on-call service: 116117
This emergency number 116117 connects you to the medical on-call service.
which can be used for medical emergencies or non-life-threatening illnesses that need immediate treatment and cannot wait until the following day.
You will be called by an emergency Doctor or sent to a nearby emergency Doctor.
Ambulance transport: 19222
If you need to transfer a patient in an ambulance and have a doctor accompany you, dial 19222.
How to Prepare for an Emergency Call?
In an emergency, you need to act quickly, but most of the time, you may be scared, tense, or nervous. In this case, please calm down, get mentally prepared, and answer the Emergency call. If you can’t answer the phone, ask someone nearby to do it for you.
The emergency support team will ask you the following questions,
- Who is calling? (Name, Current Location, Contact Number)
- Where did the incident happen? (Incident Location, Address)
- What happened? (Event, Accident, Fire, Theft)
- How many people are affected? (Number of People & types of Injuries)
- What injuries or damages are there?
- Please do not Hang up the Call, wait for further questions & Instructions.
Emergency call app "nora"
The German’s official emergency call app is Nora. In an emergency, this app allows you to quickly and simply call the police, fire department, and rescue service throughout Germany. People with hearing and speech difficulties are advised to use this emergency call app.
You can find the step-by-step instructions for using the Nora Emergency app here.[5]

Alert: Misusing the emergency numbers is a crime that can get you in trouble. If you abuse emergency calls, you could get a fine or go to jail for up to a you. [4]
Other Emergency & Helpline Numbers:
- Dental emergency service: 01805/986700
- Telephone for children and young people: 0800/1110333
- Telephone for parents: 0800/1110550
- Violence against women help line: 08000/116016
- Roadside Assistance/Breakdown (ADAC): 0180 2222222
- Poison Information Services (national service): 0551 19240
- Lost Credit & Bank Cards (nationwide): 116116
1. “Wichtige Rufnummern für den Notfall”, im.baden-wuerttemberg.de
2. “Wann wähle ich welche Notrufnummer?”, tk.de
3. “Der Patientenservice 116117”, www.116117.de
4. “Strafgesetzbuch (StGB)”, www.gesetze-im-internet.de
5. “Nora Emergency Call App”, www.nora-notruf.de
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