An Overview about the Energypauschale 2022
Who will receive this €300 Energypauschale?
Is there any tax on this 300 Euros?
When can we expect to get the Energiepauschale 2022?
Whats's Next?
1. “Energy flat rate: Who gets the 300 euros – and who doesn’t”, Frankfurter Rundschau
2. “300 euros energy flat rate: How and when does the money come into my account?”, Merkur.de
3. “FAQs – Energiepreispauschale (EPP)”, bundesfinanzministerium.de
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To put it simply, I am an Indian Expat who has been residing in Germany since 2015 and who also happens to be the guy behind Indo German Central. I chose to create this blog in order to give Indians with valuable information and my experiences about Germany. If you find this information helpful, please consider buying me a Coffee to support our website.