Anyone who has moved or travelled abroad knows how difficult it can be to find medications they’re used to. Going through an unfamiliar healthcare system can be a very confusing and frustrating experience, especially when symptoms are flaring. This is why it’s important for newcomers and tourists in Germany to familiarize themselves with local regulations surrounding medical prescription and getting them filled.
In Germany, physicians may issue five different sorts of medical prescriptions: Pink / Red, Blue, Green, Yellow and White. But it is important to understand what the colours signify and how long a prescription is valid.

Tips: Online pharmacy shopping is possible in Germany. While a doctor’s prescription is required for certain medications, others do not.
Medical Prescription in Germany

If you want to move to Germany, you should know what kinds of medical prescriptions doctors may give you and what they mean.
RED / PINK Prescription (Kassenrezept):

Rosa Kassenrezept, by Lumu, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 | Wikimedia Commons
If you have public health insurance in Germany, the doctor will write a pink prescription for the drugs that are part of the health insurance company’s service catalogue. The recommended prescription is covered by statutory health insurance. Patients need to pay the required co-payment of between 5 and 10 euros. These medicines are provided free of charge to children.
GREEN Prescription (Empfehlung):

Grünes Rezept – Empfehlung, by Lumu, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 | Wikimedia Commons
A green prescription is just a recommendation from a doctor. This means that he thinks the product is an important part of the therapy, but that health insurance doesn’t cover it. First, the patient must pay the full amount.
BLUE Prescription (Privatrezept):

Blaus Privatrezept, by Lumu, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 | Wikimedia Commons
Patients with private insurance in Germany are more likely to be given a prescription in the colour blue. Private customers must pay for their medicines in full before their insurance company reimburses them.
YELLOW Prescription (Betäubungsmittel):

Gelbes Rezept für Betäubungsmittel, by Lumu, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 | Wikimedia Commons
Narcotics laws apply to some medications, such as effective painkillers. These prescriptions are printed in three copies. The original is given to the health insurance company, while the doctor and pharmacist both maintain a copies.
Final Thoughts
Many drugs and medical aid are available over the counter at pharmacies, while others need a prescription. This implies that some products are only available with a prescription.
2. Mediq Direkt “Gültigkeiten und die Bedeutung der Farben von Rezepten“
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