Do you want to know about the Best Job Portal For Germany and want to find the perfect job in Germany, check out our list of the best job portals.
Stepstone is a leading job board in Germany. I landed my job in Germany using this website. Every day, Stepstone receives a large number of job postings. A job seeker can create a job profile, generate a CV, compare salaries, and filter and search for jobs that need just English.
It is essential to have your CV in German format. has a fantastic CV generator for the German job market that is completely free.

Did you know: German CV are typically one to two pages long. It is essential to include a professional photo with the CV.
LinkedIn is a prominent professional networking site that is particularly effective in interacting with global recruiters and landing a job in a foreign country. However, you may be shocked to hear that LinkedIn was not always popular among German recruiters.
Most international organizations in Germany use Linkedin to advertise job openings, and recruiters utilize Linkedin direct messages to contact suitable persons. If I am searching for work, this information may be visible to all LinkedIn members, which I am not comfortable with. Linkedin states that this information would be kept from employees in the same firm, yet I still found several gaps.
As I previously said, XING is the reason why LinkedIn was once unpopular among German recruiters. XING is a prominent professional networking site developed in Germany and a significant competitor to LinkedIn. Even now, German recruiters prefer XING over Linkedin. However, XING lags behind Linkedin in terms of the user interface.
Indeed, as the largest job search engine in the world, it not only has a massive database of available openings but is also a fantastic place to begin your hunt. Indeed is the most popular German employment board, used by 16.79 million people per month. Users can use Indeed to look for open jobs, apply online, and post their resumes so that hiring managers can see them.
Indeed also has a helpful tool called the Salary Test that can be used to evaluate what the market rate is for a certain position. Unfortunately, is only available in German and does not have an English option. You can use the filtering tools on Indeed to limit your job search to openings posted by employers or by recruitment agencies.
Among job boards, continues to attract the most unique users. They claim to employ AI to find suitable candidates for their job posts, and they have a of 55 million monthly views, 100 million users, and 35 million available vacancies. Once again, this Jobrapido is exclusive to the German-speaking world.
Monster is generally recognized as the top job site globally, and it is used by over a thousand recruiters from all over the globe to search for suitable applicants’ resumes. Monster allows job searchers to post their resumes and expose them to all recruiters. You can also use the Salary calculator to determine the salary range for your desired role.
If you’re looking for a job in Germany, you should check out, one of the earliest and now most popular online job boards in the country. Employers from every corner of the country and every potential industry post their job openings on Not only do they manage their popular job site, but also the job portals of a broad variety of national newspapers.
Expeerter is an exclusive marketplace for executive and management-level job vacancies, posted by a network of professional recruiters. However, if you’re willing to pay €19,99 a month, Expeerter will let you browse their job postings exclusively for premium users.
Nearly a million open positions are listed on, making it a popular resource for job seekers. You can use this site to look for professional jobs, apprenticeships, part-time work, and local employment opportunities.

Tips: If you haven’t been able to find work, perhaps you could start studying German. From my experience, having German language skills boosts the chances that German recruiters will shortlist your profile. You can also study German online from home with Babbel. is Germany’s sixth most viewed employment portal. Job searchers may build a Dynamic Profile, as well as generate and download resumes. Smartrecruiters will teach you what recruiters are looking for and how to boost your career, so you can stop applying for every job that comes your way.
The Bundesagentur für Arbeit or Agentur für Arbeit, also commonly known as Arbeitsamt or Arbeitsagentur, is the Federal Employment Agency that connects the unemployed and job seekers with employers. They also provide job counselling, German language, and professional training assistance. If you are worried about being laid off or are searching for a new job, then Arbeitsagentur is the perfect location for you to obtain help and advice from. The fact that the job search platform is available in English is the feature that stands out the most.
Jooble is the most widely used job search engine since it indexes job posts from more than 250,000 websites, including those of companies as well as those on social media, classifieds sites, and other online resources.
Final Thoughts
Apart from the above list, you can also visit the companies’ career pages and apply directly. There are various additional websites that could be utilized to discover your dream job; if you know of any other useful job websites, please let us know in the comments section. It would also be much appreciated if you could share the story on Facebook and Twitter
1. “Most Visited Job Websites in Germany, July 2022”,
2. “Agentur für Arbeit”,
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To put it simply, I am an Indian Expat who has been residing in Germany since 2015 and who also happens to be the guy behind Indo German Central. I chose to create this blog in order to give Indians with valuable information and my experiences about Germany. If you find this information helpful, please consider buying me a Coffee to support our website.
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